Thursday, April 7, 2011

Healing Fear

It seems as though the winter would never end.

As I moved through my work towards becoming healthy, the winter lingered.  Goddess and the universe knew that My inner work wasn't complete.  I needed to pass another spiritual test before my spring could come.  That test came in the form of the scare of breast cancer. 

Before I go any further in this blog, I will let you know that all tests came back as benign. I am cancer free.  Blessed.

The tests for me here were all about fear.  Would I be able to let go of the fear that this disease had found a home in me?  Would I be able to release the hold that this fear had on me?  When things start to line up; like you hear of 3 people who've been diagnosed with breast cancer in less than a month, you tend to start thinking the worst.  You think that the universe has been preparing you for this news.  You start to think that it's all connected in some way.  In essence, you (I) start to take on the disease by association.

I am so blessed to have a true treasure of a friend who worked on me after my biopsy with energy work and reiki healing.  This friend gave me the best advice.  It was "stop taking it on".  I knew exactly what she meant and I took that advice to heart.  I let it all go.  Right then and there.  I knew I had to.  I went home and prepared a releasing ritual in which I Released All That Does Not Serve Me.  Cancer doesn't serve me.  Dis-ease doesn't serve me.  Fear (in this case) doesn't serve me.  I released it all back to the Mother so she could transform that into something balanced and healthy as only She can.  The Mother, Earth, Gaia, She heals all. 

Several days later, I received the results letting me know that it was not cancer.  This news came only hours after hearing that a friend had lost her long battle with cancer that very morning.  Bittersweet news putting it all in perspective.

Perspective.  There's a word for you.  Going through something like this has a tendency to change your perspective on things for sure.  You start playing out scenarios of having a life-threatening disease.  What are the things that rise to the surface as being most important in your life?  What things do you see as not so important anymore?  I did a lot of reflecting in the weeks that this process was ongoing.  I have changed my perspective on some things and  I can feel that others will change still.  The thing is - I don't even have the disease... or any life-threatening disease for that matter.  I can not imagine the profound impact of being faced with the opposite news would have.  My heart goes out to all who are faced with this right now and will be in the future.

As I end this entry, I am thankful to be full of life for another day on this beautiful planet and I personally send healing, love and support to all of those who are not.  May Goddess Bless our journeys here today and through the end of our days until we are with Her once again.

photo by author


  1. Oh, dear one.... I am so, so thankful that you are okay. I wish I could give you a great big hug!! I'm so sorry to hear about your friend.

    Fear is such an insidious thing. It takes root in us in ways that we could never imagine. May you walk forward from this with grace and courage, living your bliss to its fullest extent. Many blessings to you, my friend.

  2. Hey dear Sister,
    What a time you have been through! I'm so glad you got good news.

    I think you've done some great work around fear - as Andrea says,it is an insidious thing.

    Much love to you!
