Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Getting on the path to wellness

What does wellness look like?

This is a question I have been asking myself. I am rededicated to this elusive notion of wellness, but I can't seem to define what it is for me. I am able to define some of the components or maybe the vehicles to this - but the end result still eludes me.

These things I know:
  1. I need to eat whole foods whenever possible. These should be organic as much as possible also and local if possible. The meat I want to consume is harvested by my hunter-husband or bought from a responsible farm with free range chickens and grass-fed beef. I know this is good for my body, mind and spirit and the body, mind and spirit of others I feed.
  2. I need to be aware of what and how much food I am putting in to my body. I need to count calories at first until I get a sense of what my body actually Needs for fuel. Then, I know that as long as I stay Aware of my food choices, my intuition will kick in on portions and food groups after I have made it a habit. I know this is good for my body, mind and spirit.
  3. I need to exercise. My body needs conditioned. For far too long, I was handcuffed by a malfunctioning system. I have taken steps to correct that and there is no reason for me to Not get adequate exercise now that my body will tolerate it. Exercise is good for my body, mind and spirit.
  4. I know that the weight I am currently at is not the healthy weight for me. I am uncomfortable doing regular tasks - and especially some exercises. I am not conditioned well and I know that part of the reason is excess weight. Being at a healthy weight will be good for my body, mind and spirit.
  5. I need to have a daily spiritual practice. This is crucial in supporting the other things I have to do. Making time for my meditations and other spiritual work is as important as fuel and exercise for my body. When I have good daily spiritual practice, I am in balance and this is good for my body, mind and spirit.
  6. I need a support system. I need buddies to hold me accountable. I need to share my battles won and lost, the steps forward and the setbacks. This is good for my body, mind and spirit.
  7. I need adequate down time. All repair, healing and adjustment takes place in periods of rest. Rest is good for my body, mind and spirit.

As these things all become habit, I believe I will approach the Wellness I seek. Until then, I will just have to trust that it is out there - waiting for me.

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