Yesterday, I drew the "H" rune in my daily blessing. The H being Herbal Allies, I did a short meditation to see what herb had a message for me. Almost instantly, the Dandelion appeared. I received a few insights about liver health and general wellness, but had the feeling that I needed to go a bit deeper to see how this herb would support my health. I decided to employ the tool of the Doorway meditation (which can be found in Avalon Within by Jhenah Telyndru) to see what other info Dandelion had for me.
Within this meditation, I was shown the entire plant, but then focused on the leaves. I kept hearing the word "sharp" and kept seeing the pointed (toothed) leaves of the dandelion. I received the message that there was healing in the sharpness. I also saw (within the doorway work) 2 books which I currently have. One was Greens Glorious Greens! by Johnna Albi and Catherine Walthers and the other was Healing Wise by Susun Weed. With these two books coming to me in meditation, I knew that there was healing through cooking the greens and also that the plant itself had much to tell me!
I pulled them both off the shelves and went to work. Both books have great information on Dandelion; each from a different perspective, but equally valuable. In the Greens book, I found many ways to cook Dandelion greens for the maximum benefit and taste. I believe strongly that the best way we can get the healing properties from our herbal and plant allies is through diet, so finding these was wonderful! Then I picked up Susun Weed's book and learned all about Dandelion (dent de leon - teeth of the lion) with all it's magical properties of opposition! Oh what an amazing plant it is!
In her book, Susun actually describes dandelion's leaves as 'sharp' (it's so great when you get that little affirmation on your intuition!) When I read this, I knew that part of what I was to learn from Dandelion was in the sharpness of it's taste and disposition.
Dandelion leaves assist with circulation, lymph, kidneys, digestion and absorption of minerals and vitamins that the body needs. These all contribute (or lack thereof) to Restless Leg Syndrome in my particular case. I have a theory about what is causing the dis-ease in me, but I won't go into that here. The positive thing is that I believe I've found my first ally to getting my body to move the vitamins, minerals and hormones required for healthy rest to the appropriate places. I have a lot more to learn about Dandelion, and I intend to have one-on-one conversations with it in the near future!
For the first time since I became a home-owner, I am eagerly waiting the spring shoots of this sunny weed to peek above the soil line! I may even set aside a bed in the garden just for Dent de leon! So before you go toting the round-up or grabbing the weeder, do a little research on this wonder-plant - you may need it too!
Resources: Avalon Within, Jhenah Telyndru; Greens Glorious Greens, Johnna Albi & Catherine Walthers; Healing Wise, Susun Weed - follow links for additional information.
I love dandelions, and never battle them in my yard... I welcome these little sunshines with open arms. I'm so happy that you will be exploring their wonder!
ReplyDeleteOh, and if I may offer another resource for wild foods cooking, I have this book and love it:
And with this Full Moon in Leo (the Lion)energy tonight I'm sure you'll receive more revelations of Dent de Leon!
ReplyDeleteI have also moved some Dandelion to a place of honor in my garden. It was one of the four main plants I dried and made teas of last spring. They are wonderful Friends. ~~~
I used to make a dandelion liquor...this is a great little plant! Oh, it also makes an amazing massage many ways to use this plant!