Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Day 5 of my 30 day Yoga Challenge

I can't believe that I waited this long to start a yoga practice.  I absolutely love it! 

So far, I am enjoying a program called Beginners AM PM by YogaWorks.  This program has really detailed instructions on each move and incorporates a nice balance of poses.  I also like that we hold poses for a breath.  After I'd done it a few times, and had most of the moves and the sequence down, I've been able to do more reps of the poses as I am not waiting for her to explain each one.  So that also adds to the workout.  Additionally, I do a few more (I think they are called Restorative) poses at the end of the program - making it a full hour.
I watched another 'beginners' program (wish I could remember the name...) but Good Grief!  She never stops moving.  And some of the poses were way beyond my ability level yet.  I was glad that I just *watched* it and wasn't attempting to keep up at the same time.  Not only do I think I probably would have injured myself (lol), but I know I would have gotten frustrated and possibly fell into that negative self talk again - "Maybe yoga just isn't for me..."
So for now, I will stick with the YogaWorks program... if it ain't broke, don't fix it.

How's everyone else doing so far?  I know many of you have set your own challenges - I'd love to hear your feedback!  We're in this together!!


1 comment:

  1. I'm doing pretty good. I am so happy to be rejuvenating my practice. Thank you!

    It sounds to me you are more attracted to the Iyengar style yoga (slower moving where the focus is on alignment and settling into the pose) than the flow/Vinyasa style. Well, that's how it is for me.

    Keep it up!
