Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Accessory is the Mother of Invention

In my never-ending quest for organization, the present focus is Accessories.  I HAVE to find a creative solution to house and display this collection so that it stays neat (untangled!) and is easily accessible so that I can wear this stuff that's been hiding for years!  If I can't see it, I won't wear it.  It's as simple as that.  However, I have some challenges with both Cats and available area to work with.  One of the best ideas I've come across yet is using a tree branch which is secured in a pot or vase (it would have to be a large branch in a pot in my case) with sand or rocks in the pot to hold it there - to hang necklaces, bracelets and hook style earrings on.  That would last about 2 minutes with my cats.  So, I am at the drawing board to find something that will work with the multitudes of accessories that I have.

Yes, I can admit it, I am a true girly-girl in this sense.  I think I've been in denial for a bit about it - only wearing a few select (very meaningful) pieces of jewelry.  But as I am in my 40's, I feel the need to return to that creative aspect of my appearance. 

As I am assessing the damage - I realize that I have quite an impressive (bordering on excessive) collection of accessories.  I am not a shop-o-holic for this stuff, either.  I do like to buy jewelry, but it's not all my doing.  It helps when you have friends who make jewelry!  And it certainly doesn't hurt that I have started weaving - adding 5 scarves to my collection by my own design in the last year!  Really, though, many of these accessories have been in my collection for YEARS!  Some dating back to my teens and even childhood!  I'm looking at this stuff, and a jewelry box just ain't gonna cut it.  Nor would a jewelry armoire.  I need something with some substance here.

Aside from the enormous amount of 'general' jewelry (necklaces, bracelets, earrings and rings), I also have a plethera of scarves, hats, belts, headbands and a market basket full of hair clips, ties, barrettes and ponytail holders.  I would LOVE to have ALL of that in one central location.  In a perfect world (where I had the space for one) I am thinking that an antique armoire would serve this purpose nicely.

Antique armoire
(the kind with a large, open space behind the doors for hanging clothes)
The insides of the doors could be fashioned with hooks or even antique thread spools attached with glue to hold necklaces and bracelets.
Double strips of foam (long and narrow) could be glued to the insides of the doors too, with the space between the two foam strips used as slots for rings.
An old picture frame hung inside the door or alternately, you could construct a lightweight frame from 1 inch strips of lumber, and attach fine wire mesh across and around it (stapling to the back of the frame) to hang hook-style earrings.
Another solid piece of foam or cork could be hung (with or without a frame) to stick post-style earrings in.
Inside the armoire, pegs could be hung along the sides and back for shawls, scarves and belts.
A small wooden (or even plastic) set of drawers in the center (if the armoire doesn't have interior drawers) could be used for hats, headbands, clips and other hair accessories as well as jewelry cleaning cloths and supplies.  A series of baskets would work too.
If the armoire has large drawers in the bottom, those could be used for larger hats, larger shawls, capes or ruanas.

Since I don't currently own an armoire of this type - and really don't have the space for it anyway - here are some other ideas I have tossing around in my head.

Basket Tree

I have an old wooden Basket Tree that I used to display Longaberger Baskets when I was a consultant.  It is the type that is over 6 ft tall and has about 12 wooden dowels stuck out from the center post.  The dowels range in length from 10" to 24".  This is currently in my craft room where the door stays shut to keep the cats out.  Right now, it has several baskets hanging from it (which all contain this or that) as well as many of my scarves and shawls.  Here's what I am thinking...
Remove the baskets and see if some of the items which are being stored in them could be stored elsewhere - repurposing the baskets for accessories.
Get a bunch of small to medium sized "S" hooks to hang from the dowels - to hang necklaces and bracelets (and maybe rings too).  I could just hang them from the dowels, but everytime I wanted one that was close to the post, I'd have to take all of them off.
Using med to large "S" hooks, I could hang scarves, shawls, headbands and hats
I can use some of the really small baskets to hold earrings (hook style hanging around the edge of the baskets), slides, pendants and bangle bracelets.  I have 4 of these small baskets, so I can get quite a lot stored that way.
A medium sized basket could hold my jewelry cleaning supplies.

The Tree (as you can see) sits in a cubby right inside the door.  Behind the door, I could:
Hang pegs on a board, hooks, etc to hang larger shawls, belts and hats
Over the peg/hook board, I could create additional earring storage with a frame, wire mesh and some foam (for post earrings and rings).
I could also use the back of the door for additional storage with an Over The Door system of some sort...

Another idea I had was to create a case that hung on the wall.  It would be made of piece of wood for the back (maybe 2ft x 2ft square), with hinges and side doors (1ft wide x 2ft tall) on either side.  The side doors would swing on top of the back piece to contain all of the jewelry inside the 'closed doors'.
On the inside panels of the back and doors, drawer knobs or hooks could be used for necklaces and bracelets.
Foam inserts could be used for earrings. 
Cup hooks could be used for slides and pendants
All of it could be lined with silver cloth - keeping all of the silver inside from tarnishing
This scenario seems like a lot of work to hold a very small amount of stuff.  Not to mention the weight of the case and engineering a way to hang it on the wall....

Special items could still be put in my nice jewelry box with anti-tarnish papers and such.

These ideas all (for the most part) meet the criteria I have for organizing these things.
1.  Things are organized.
2.  Necklaces and bracelet chains are separated so they will not tangle.
3.  I can see all of my accessories at one time to decide what to wear
4.  Budget friendly
5.  Reuse/Repurpose things I already have if possible
6.  Fun and creative
7.  Looks good while organizing my stuff

I'm still in the R & D phase of this process - so if you have another idea - throw it at me!  I'd love to hear it!!  I'd also love to hear your thoughts on my ideas! 

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Back to Blogging.... again....

So...Thank you, Kim.  You have reinspired me to get back to blogging!

The year of Eleven...  lots of transformation to come, me thinks.  But along with that is a feeling that what is already in place - and truly important in my life - is going to get stronger and hold a greater priority.  Although I know that there are many tests and lessons to come in this year (a triple whammy of Arianrhod Moons in 12 months will do that), I feel like the work I've done to get this far will be of great support to the work that is yet to come.  And with that notion, I begin to work on my goals and priorities for the coming calendar year.
#1 - Health.  Notice there is a period after the word "Health".  I'm tired of piece mealing this out for myself.  Focusing only on diet or exercise... or only on my emotional needs or meditation and spiritual needs.  My health is dependant upon me realizing that it's all or nothing.  True health doesn't come from diet or meditation alone.  Yoga can't make me healthy if I continue to eat a bunch of crap.  Meditating won't bring me health if I never get my ass off the floor and have some physical activity.  So yeah.  Health.  Period.
#2 - Time for Family and Friends
#3 - Manifesting my dreams, creating a vocation that is in line with my higher self - Living My Bliss.

There are obviously many, many components that will go into these 3 priorities.  I've already put some things in place and have been working towards them.  The elliptical machine will be delivered tomorrow.  I went to the store and purchased whole foods for our meals this week and am planning those out in advance.  I have scheduled time for spiritual work, exercise, work, family and friends in the next few days.  And tonight I will work a bit on manifesting #3.  Why wait on the calendar - seize the day!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Alice Istanbul Designs: It's the Great Welcome Back Blog Giveaway!

Alice Istanbul Designs: It's the Great Welcome Back Blog Giveaway!: "I took 5 months away from everything. Away from the blog. Away from the jeweler's bench. Away from creating. At one point I was sure I woul..."

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Eating yogurt and listening to the birds

I am so glad that spring is here.  It has improved my mood by leaps and bounds.

It's been a rough couple of months.  Going back to work full time (actually overtime), ramping up with a whole slew of new employees, demands of going from 0 to 6 projects and 4-18 staff members has been intense.  I handle all of the A/P for our company, so that has increased at a rapid rate with 6 new jobs, but I also handle all HR (new hire paperwork, insurance, handbooks, 401k, etc), IT (new laptops for all supers (7), new cell phones or re-coding old ones, air cards, loading programs on laptops and PC's (2 of those recently), other misc software, etc), Payroll, Office Management & Marketing.

With the surge of work, we brought Elise back in part-time as a Receptionist and hired another girl to fill the remaining days until her classes ended in May.  At that time, she would assume the position full time and Elise could go back to being a full-time student.  Unfortunately, the new girl didn't really pick up on the duties very well so I started interviewing again.

Meanwhile, a longtime admin employee who comes pre-installed with a boat-load of personal drama, starts laying down on the job.  She's telling us she can't get all her work done, needs the girls (recept job-sharers) to help, blah, blah, blah.  So we take some of the work off of her and give it to them.  She Still isn't getting it done.

Last Thursday she wanted to take the day off.  She barely had enough vacation to cover it, and she's behind on her work, but we feel that balance is important and if she's this overworked, she needs a ok, take it off.  Then her husband was having back surgery (for the 4th time) on Friday (it's outpatient and not that bad, so don't feel too bad for her) so she had that off too.

On Thursday afternoon, we needed to find some documents of which she is responsible.  They were not in the files, nor in the filing.  Started a search for them and Long-Story-Shorter found out why she can't get her work done.  Lots of time playing on personal emails, internet, instant message, etc.  After finding this, we learn of her spending hours on personal phone calls when we are out of the office and even when we were there (she's pretty crafty).  The other thing that folks started coming out of the woodwork to tell us was that she'd been badmouthing the company to our subcontractors about how bad she'd been treated.

Unbelievable.  If you knew all the ways in which we've helped this woman out with time off for her never-ending drama, financial help MANY times, etc, etc. etc.  And when the economy tanked, we kept her on when we honestly should have laid her off or at the very least given a mandatory pay cut of 10% like the rest of the world.  But we felt for her and for her situation of being the sole breadwinner for a family of 4 so we kept her working at full pay.  She felt she needed raises and more time off apparently.  Are you kidding me?

So, we decided she needed to go.  It was time.  Not only was she not doing her job, but she was trashing our company to those we work with on a regular basis.  I planned to fire her on Monday morning but guess what?  I guess she needed 5 days off in a row...she called in "cough" sick.  This just affirmed out decision as this is also a pattern for her...Monday sick days.  I was waiting for her on Tuesday morning with her things boxed up and ready to go.  It was not pretty, but I am glad it was over.

On Friday, I hired a replacement for her and luckily she could work afternoons while she gave her 2 wks notice.  She's already organizing the mess that was left behind and she has no construction knowledge at all.  I think she will work out great.

Meanwhile, on Monday morning (when I was set to fire our other admin person), the new part-time receptionist calls at 8:15 to quit.  HA.  Whatever.  Good luck.  I replaced her yesterday as well.  She can start on the 19th.

Pretty much a clean sweep...a nice Spring Cleaning of our Admin department.  I feel good about the changes and feel like it's breathed some fresh air into my own step.  I feel renewed and freed up.  In the meantime, I am doing all of my existing work plus all of the Admin work, but it doesn't even matter.  I still feel really good about it all and I know it is short-term until the new staff members get up to speed.

It is a good day.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Where's the wagon?

Ok, so I've fallen so far off the healthy wagon that I can barely make out it's tracks in the dirt.

And here I am in the middle of what the cycle always brings when I don't do what I need to for my health.  I'm sick.  In the middle of winter, I have this fracking head cold and sinus BS that just won't go away.  I know why, I know why. 
Let's recap.
Back drinking cokes.
Picking up fast food while on the go.
Not drinking Any water.
Not exercising.
Not sleeping well.
Not being 'every day' consistent with my spiritual practice (although at least this one is fairly close to being on track)

So no, I'm not a bit surprised that I am run down, tired and sick.  It doesn't take a Rocket Scientist to figure that one out.

So what do I do to motivate myself back on track in the dead of winter when all I want to do is rest as long as I can, eat dense "comfort" foods and crave cokes?

I think that a part of my problem here is SAD.  Although the sun has been out a bit in the last few days, its just not enough.  In the past, I have tried to go to a tanning bed for 5 minutes once a week and that really helped to keep me feeling healthy and energetic (and not depressed).  This winter, I have not done that even once.  I may be on to something here.

Ok, so what's the plan....

1.  Go to the tanning bed, STAT!
2.  Do some meal planning for the week and then the appropriate grocery shopping.
3.  Finally (after 2 months) carve out my new workout area for real - not the half-assed version that I tried before.
4.  Start tracking all my food, drinks and exercise on

I know I will get back in the groove... I just want to get there sooner rather than later.  Here's to hoping that happens! 

Hello Emergence!  It's Bobbi calling!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

living my bliss

This subject has been on my mind a lot lately.  What is it that calls to me?  What does my bliss look like?

In my meditative work, I have come to know that I will need to remain in the non-spiritual working world for some time to come.  There are things I am meant to do in this lifetime and those things require a certain amount of funding which apparently - my elusive 'bliss' vocation can not support.  so..... basically, I need to 'get over it' and just work (current work situation) to make the money to support my spiritual work.  The End.

I will admit to a certain amount of envy for those who integrate their spiritual lives with their working vocation.  How wonderful that must be to be supported fully (materially, spiritually, emotionally, etc) by a single vocation.  I've racked my brain to find what that vocation would be for me.  It's just not there.  I'm looking in the wrong universe, I think.

The messages I received are that I must continue working in our business for some time to come in order to secure our financial future.  This will, in turn, allow me to pursue the things that make my heart sing...  ie: living my bliss.

Back to start - what exactly would my bliss be?  Now that the demands of it supporting me financially have been removed...what has opened up here?

I am sure that these things will be revealed as the Goddess sees fit.  I trust that Awen is waiting around one of the upcoming corners.

For now, I am So happy to say that we are moving back into working with our bird dogs.  This is truly something that I, field trialing and just watching a bird dog work.  They are amazing creatures and outstanding athletes - particularly English Pointers...our breed of choice. 

Could this be my bliss - Running our kennel?  Maybe.  Time will tell.  But for now, I am enjoying it regardless.  :-)

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Post holidays

Well, I totally wussed it up over the holidays.  After spending 2 weeks moving rooms around, painting, cleaning, etc.  My ass was whooped.  With Steffen coming home and all of the chaos that has followed that, my workout plan has been stuffed in a closet.

The good news is that I have maintained my weight loss from before.  The bad news is that I am pretty sure that some of the muscle tone I had picked up has melted back into fat again.  Ugh.  C'est la vie.

On the upside, I have a plan.  I haven't enacted said plan as of yet, but the plan is there nonetheless.  I have carved out a new workout space in my now-shared abode.  I have also started paying closer attention to my food/drink choices.  It's a process, I know.

So, here I go.  LOL