Monday, January 17, 2011

The freedom to Be.

I am really loving the new outlook I have on dreaming and manifesting transformation.  I've known that you must invision yourself as the person you wish to fully be for a long time.  So why was it so hard to apply that idea, which I put to practice in my spiritual life on a daily basis, to mundane efforts?  Who knows... maybe it was an issue of timing and alignment.  Whatever it was, I'm glad that I am NOW seeing that the concept reaches much further than my spiritual practice.

I realized today that I've been walking this path of dreaming and visioning transformation for almost 3 weeks now.  This may not be signficant to some, but to me, it is.  3 is a very powerful number.  And in this case, it is a milestone of great significance.  Usually, by 3 weeks in to any sort of change, I have lost interest, started to fizzle or have begun to really put pressure on myself to *see results* (be perfectly following my goals to the "T") - and if I don't see those results, I give up. This time, things are markedly different. 

I gain momentum and excitement with each passing day/week.  I'm learning new things about myself and putting new ideas to action every day.  I'm not bored.  I'm not fizzling out.  And most importantly, I am not putting unrealistic pressure on myself for 'instant gratification'.

Since I did not make wholesale changes at day one, I've given myself room for serendipity. 

Instead of following some fad diet, every week I incorporate something new and healthier to my 'normal' diet.  With each week, I move towards a healthier overall diet - but one food group, recipe or meal plan at a time.  I don't feel overwhelmed and I am not bored either.

With regards to exercise, I am going with the flow on that front too.  If I don't feel moved to get on the elliptical, I look at the *why* of that.  I listen to my body and adjust accordingly.  If I am just being un-motivated, I find a way to motivate myself by changing up the exercise I do.  I could go walk around the mall, do some yoga, follow a circuit workout on fit tv or exercise on demand, pop in a dvd on stretching or belly dancing or just pick up the free weights and do some strength training.  If none of that appeals to me, then I can clean or organize something in the house - that always needs done.  And if, after a check-in with my body, I feel like I need rest more than exercise that day - then I rest.  Guilt-free.  As long as I am listening to my body, then I am making the right choices.

In my daily spiritual practice and class work, I am being flexible with myself and trying different things, ways of approach and keeping things interesting.  That is making a HUGE difference in being excited to carve out that time.

Some of the other dreams for this year are just in the beginning stages of organization and setting to action - and that's ok too.  They will initiate when they are meant to and I am ok with that.

Right now - today - I am in just the right place.

1 comment:

  1. This is awesome, Bobbi! So inspiring how you are taking care of yourself and tuning into your body.

    Thanks for sharing your journey here. Much love.
